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Издано в 2023 году.

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Серия: They walk between us


Their glasses are filled with human blood, and they drink it like we drink wine. They are so much like us, but we are but an ugly copy of the same species. They are superior to us in every way, and yet they have a weakness: vampires love only once, and the choice of their heart determines their eternal life. What awaits these beautiful and bloodthirsty creatures: eternal happiness or eternal suffering? Gorgeous Maria Mroczek, the dream of many men fell in love, but this woman will do anything to win in this Russian roulette and find happiness with someone who, like her, is cursed by the mocking Fate.

Все книги серии "They walk between us"

Анна Морион - Possessed hearts


Mortals can be so annoying. This I know as well as anyone. – I've called you fifty times, but you ignore me!

I smiled mockingly.

Kurt. That mortal thought he was my boyfriend after just one night with me. I'd been bored that Friday, so I'd decided to have some fun, that's all. He was good in bed, and the coldness of my body even appealed to him. On Sunday I invited him over to my place and that visit too ended up being a hot night. Monday morning, I shoved him out the door and threw his clothes out the window. But, what a misfortune, he seems to have fallen head over heels in love with me! And I, such a fool, gave him my number… How ridiculous!

And why do all these mortals, whom I use only for my physical needs and entertainment, all fall in love with me and call me like crazy? Stalking me at the penthouse where my flat is, stalking me at work. Over the past four years, I've become a well-known photographer in Canada and the US, and these types make me uncomfortable and have difficult conversations with clients. "Who's the guy hanging around here? Did he come to you? You know the rules – no privacy during shooting, etc." And you can't explain to people that all these idiots are there to have a relationship with me! Yeah, what's the big deal, what relationship? Idiots, I'm just playing with them, and when I've played with them, I get rid of the old toys. Should I kill them? No, I don't want to waste my precious time on that.

They all admire me and call me a beautiful, unearthly, sexy devil they're willing to go to Hell for. My cool white skin attracts them like a magnet, they are ready to kiss my feet, to be my slaves. But the thing is, I don't care about them. Their admiration and love for me makes me laugh. Mortals demand my love! Demand that I become "constant" and not act "like an expensive whore". Ha! They dare to hope for my reciprocity. I never promise reciprocity, but I give honest and frank warning that I am looking for a one-night stand. I don't give an ounce of hope.

This Kurt, a twenty-five year old boy I met in a nightclub, thought I should be with him now. He waited for me right outside the entrance to the penthouse and blocked my way to the door with his stupid arrogance. Naive. But I was willing to play with him a little.

– Look, boy, forget my number and find yourself a nice, model girl. I suggest you look in the library-there are plenty of them," I replied to his passionate accusation with a laugh.

– You can't just forget me! – Kurt hooked his fingers into my forearm. – I can't think of anyone, anything, but you!

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