The Mist and the Lightning. Part 18 читать онлайн

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Издано в 2022 году.

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The next series of the acclaimed series of books. Тhis story actually happened in a different reality (a different dimension, a parallel world); you can call it whatever you like, whatever you used to, whatever is convenient for you. Its essence will not change with that. All characters in the story exist and interact just like we exist and interact in our world. Only their names, the names of the gods, peoples and territories are not authentic; they just express the basic meaning the characters put into them.

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Ви Корс - The Mist and the Lightning. Part 18

On the left side, but not in a human country, in the demonic kingdom, the red river measures the path.

And in that red river there is a black pool.

And in a black, terrible pool, black water boils, boils, throws foam.

And human lewdness dwells in that pool.

Dashing fornicator devil is a master there.

The pool with bodily languid boils, boils, seethes.

You, devil, fornicator, listen to my words, listen, and raise the water of the black pool!

Let the streams come out of the edges, let your river flow to human lands, and let (name) be drawn into the pool.

And in that whirlpool, let human lewdness enter into (name), and let (name) with fornication day after day for me suffer, let (name) the fornication of lewdness with me desire!

And if he wants, then let him make it! Let him burn with passion!

Key. Lock. Tongue.

Chapter 1

An army of black and unclean people left the city. They took away from Ore town a lot of goods and valuables, and Lis didn’t prevent them from doing so, keeping his promise. Loaded with booty, the army was heading for Crimson Rock. The predatory snake, fed up and gleaming with scales, slowly crawled along the red brick road, returning to its lair. The people went first, followed by the unclean. And Kors was literally torn with anger if, at the halts, he accidentally caught sight of the terribly pleased Zagpeace Gezaria. The fact that Zagpeace and Prince Ariel dared to free his Nik and give him free rein made Kors both furious and desperate. He didn’t know how to take revenge on them and how to make them see and understand that Nik still belonged to him.

Kors was in love, and this feeling was very bright and strong, he felt it with all clarity. And at the same time, this feeling was unreal in its strength, in its joy and beauty. He was happy just like that, just because he loved. It was not difficult for him to sleep a little, it was not boring to spend many hours on the road, because he was horse riding and thinking about Nik, imagining him, and these emotions filled Kors with incredible energy. Despite the field conditions, he felt great, he was in a high and light mood. It seemed to him that some kind of bright radiant light was streaming from him, illuminating him from the inside and making him beautiful. This love adorned him. Now he couldn’t even imagine how he had lived before without this feeling, how he walked, ate, slept and even laughed. But all this was not the same, it was still empty. Then he didn’t realize this, but now he realized that he didn’t live for real, and his life was incomplete, and he himself was gray and empty, he was nothing, and only now he was breathing deeply. He imagined Nik and shone with happiness, especially since Nik was driving a little ahead or next to him, and Kors could endlessly look at his white hair and imagine his face there, under the mask. Kors could imagine how he would hug him at a halt and finally, in a tent, when they were alone, remove the mask from his face and kiss him. And he also knew that Nik would kiss back. Kors recalled his words: “I will give you the meaning of life”. At that moment, Nik probably meant something else, most likely, the completion of the Mission, but Kors now didn’t care about the Mission. He didn't care about it anymore. Nik, unwittingly, gave him the true meaning of life, gave him the most valuable, what turned out to be needed the most. Having found love, Kors got happy, rejoicing in every day, every minute, every moment, because everything was filled with this meaning. The most important meaning. Kors realized that love was the most important thing. His meaning of life was love. He couldn’t realize it with Iness, and now he was happy that life gave him another chance to love and be alive thanks to this.

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