Super Queen-Mother. Book II. Life or Death читать онлайн

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Год издания неизвестен.

Номер издания: 9785447441760.


The received signal “fight on” has rallied all the earthlings around Super Queen-Mother. She went into the match with confidence. The battle lasted a long time…

Evgeniy Shmigirilov - Super Queen-Mother. Book II. Life or Death

© Evgeniy Shmigirilov, 2015

© Natalya Zavyalova, illustrations, 2015

Created with intellectual publishing system Ridero


Suddenly, the window frames quivered, and she heard increasing howl, which seemed to reach the threshold of noise pain and then quickly died away. Super Queen-Mother heard her father’s voice:

«Come here, quick! Look, how beautiful it is!»

He was standing on the terrace, pointing with his hand to an object in the sky. A white trace of the flying bolide was quickly dissipating. Super Queen-Mother silently looked into the sky above the horizon.

Was it a call for a battle from the Galaxy civilizations?

Or, was it a phenomenon of nature?

The stars were silent, and only twinkled mysteriously in the sky…

Chapter 1

Suddenly, the second bolide rushed in from the left. It was flying over the sea, along the horizon, followed by hissing and an unpleasant crack.

The bolide was shining in different lights – now green, then red or yellow. It was giving off whirls of sparks, which soon disappeared, having left a white trace, which was gradually changing its shape and dispersing. The bolide’s speed was very high; it did not fall on the ground, but flew away into space.

Her father was watching the bolide with admiration and was already going to leave the terrace, when Super Queen-Mother detained him: «Don’t go away… The third one will come now.»

The third bolide did not make them wait for long. It was silently flying at high altitude, like a ghost. A bright fire tail was following it. Having flown to the middle part of the horizon, the bolide exploded with the bang of a nuclear bomb, illuminating the night sky. The sound that reached them reminded them of rumbles of thunder during a severe thunderstorm.

Her father was overwhelmed with emotions. He was pulling at her hand, repeating again and again:

«Do you see this? Do you see? Isn’t it great?»

«Yes, dad, it’s very beautiful», and, having kept silence for a while, Super Queen-Mother added:

«It’s the call for a battle.»

His shoulders sank at once, and he suddenly grew older. Super Queen-Mother embraced him:

«Please, don’t worry so much, I have to manage. And I will manage.»

She kissed her father, and they came into the house.

«When are you leaving?» – he asked.

«I have a day after the signal», – answered Super Queen-Mother. They sat in the armchairs in the living room, «for a good road», according to the tradition. In a minute, she lightly got up.

«Dad, invite the Chief Security Officer to me, please!»

«Connect me with all country leaders, please. It’s an urgent gathering», she ordered the man.

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