Quest. The Drummer's Soul. All the parts. Complete collection читать онлайн

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Издано в 2020 году.

Номер издания: 978-5-532-07785-0.


I asked the wisest: "What have you learned From your manuscripts?"– The wisest said: "Happy is the one who is in the arms of a tender beauty At night, you are far from the wisdom of books!» All the events, organizations and characters are the author's invention. Any coincidence of names, surnames and positions of characters with the real names of living or dead people, as well as events that occurred with someone in life, is absolutely accidental and completely unintentional.

Nikolay Lakutin - Quest. The Drummer's Soul. All the parts. Complete collection

Quest. The drummer's soul. Part 1

The zoo was in an unprecedented state of excitement. Animals crawled out of cages with the arrival of heat, people missed the long winter hiding in burrows representatives of fauna. A tall guy walked slowly through the rows. People intuitively dispersed themselves without noticing freeing up the road in front of him, and the animals seeing him ran away to their holes and booths. The lion crouched in a corner when the strange citizen stopped at his enclosure.

"Nice dog," he said, smiling contentedly, and went to the door…

"Well, well… another equally tall man in dark glasses noted as he watched the scene, then made a few notes in a notebook and got lost in the crowd…


Captivating rhythms resounded from the main square of the city. They completely captured the attention of all those who heard them even from afar. People were rapidly gathering around the lone drummer who had merged in a single dance of body and space with rhythms flying out from under his sticks. These rhythms sounded so exciting and rich, as if they had some diabolical seductive power that you can't fight, that you can't resist. People around the drummer became more and more, cars stopped at the roadsides, on the balconies of buildings located in the hearing zone, companies jostled. Open mouths, admiring glances and these overtaking each other emissions of energy, which were mercilessly distributed to the space by a young guy-virtuoso…

And suddenly, in an instant, everything was quiet. The drummer abruptly cut the song short before playing it to the end. Not immediately began to be heard annoyed exclamations, the audience was eager to continue. The drummer sat motionless, frozen in an awkward position with sticks in his hands. Gradually, he began to make barely visible movements, as if extricating himself from the inside of the web. His movements were slow, somewhat jelly-like. He finally lowered his hands, smoothly straightened his back, and, with difficulty turning his head to a normal position, said loudly, closing his eyes:

"If you do that again, I'll stick these sticks in you, you know where." And I'll do this!

The drummer beat a rapid beat, then turned around.

– Hello, Tikhon. I'm sorry, I didn't think you were still falling for these tricks, " the man in dark glasses said.

– In order to play like this, you have to be open, and when I'm open, I'm vulnerable. We will talk not here, – the guy-virtuoso answered. He nodded to a nearby van and left the tool and went with the waiting man. The van pulled up in front of the parting crowd, and two people began to quickly put the equipment in the car. The crowd began to disperse, and the parked cars continued on their way.

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