Nine-years-old captain читать онлайн

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Издано в 2023 году.

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The universe is ruled by the Fourth Reich. Under the wise leadership of Kaiser Wilhelm III, humanity has defeated the Dbigu race. Specimens of the defeated race are now used to create living ships, controlled through a symbiote implanted in the skull. Earth ships can now reach the farthest reaches of the universe. One problem: deep space is closed to adults. By about the age of ten, the body rejects the symbiote. While adults sit on mastered planets, seven- to eight- to nine-year-old captains conduct a fierce and persistent expansion. Childlike: playful, fearless, and brutal. At one point in space near an earth-like planet, four seed ships have surfaced. How to decide who gets the new world? I used the world created by Nick Perumov in his "The Empire Above All" dylogy, with his personal permission.

Сергей Мельников - Nine-years-old captain

Only it seems that the universe is infinite. Far beyond the edge of the developed space, four bezamungsgereits1 emerged at one point. All four look like blood-pumped bedbugs. Two are cheap New-Krimean budget homes that are built for orphans, with no protection or amenities. The third is a higher class. The fourth is a luxury Daimler with a three-horned crown on its head, the symbol of the prestigious imperial genefabrik. It has a triple chitin body, a massage box. The hibernation compartment of the Budgeters looks like a huge pale belly in a mesh of blue veins. The Daimler has it completely hidden by tightly fitting black scales.

– Holy moly… – I'm unlucky, – Mashka whispered, looking at her rivals. – Unlucky me. Simba2! General Challenge.

Four faces appeared in the uneven ovals: one of them was hers.

In the Daimler's dock there sat an imperial, like the posters of the Kaiserjugend: Roman profile, thin lips, coiffed hair. The patch read "Ulrich von Gneisenau." Also an aristocrat. Behind him is a portrait of Wilhelm the Third in a ceremonial suit.

The second zucher3 was a chubby kid, Spanish or Italian by the looks of it. Yes, Italian: «Bruno Valetti» is on his patch.

And the third…

He had a Slavic, cheekbone-faced, second-grade, potato nose, and pockmarked cheeks. He had a chunky body, a shabby overalls with a patch on it: «Victor Shmyga». Mashka knew him. They lived in the same orphanage, they went to be zoohers together, only she after the first grade and he after the second. They were lying next to each other when the doctors injected the symbiotes into their left ear.

It was scary as hell. The technicians rolled up the tank with the adult Dbigu. Roughly, with forceps, they pulled out two thin tentacles. Vitya then took her by the hand and held it tightly, but she didn't break free. Even when the slimy sprout penetrated her ear, and a fetus separated from it, she did not cry. She looked into his eyes, and he looked into hers. Silently. And on the neighboring bunks there was a roar…

Mashka only opened her mouth, and immediately got a text message: «Shut up! You don't know me.»

– Right! – she said, not shutting her mouth for no reason. – This is my planet, the rest of you run away while you're still in one piece!

– Baby, – Ulrich said haughtily. – I went into space before you did. So get your trough away from my planet.

– Listen, German pepper sausage4, – said Vityka, – I got here first, and it's on the control cameras. When I jumped out, your belly was still in subspace.

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