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Издано в 2024 году.

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"The first two ages have vanished into oblivion. The third is already moving towards its peak. Ancient legends and myths rise from their graves. Lords, mired in intrigue, are ready to play their game. A dreadful infection spreads across the lands of the living. And you are just a splinter. A cog in the wheel that still rolls forward out of inertia…

– Oh? So you’re the one who’ll be the killer of the frostbitten? Yesterday, werewolfes stole my goat; maybe you could get it back? – Naively, the old man leaned forward and scratched his balding head.

I looked skeptically into his eyes: 'Are you serious?'

Estimated age rating: ~16+ Dark Fantasy.

P.S.The work of final editing and proofreading is complete. The text has been updated."

Книга написана на современном американском английском (США) Саванна. Книга переоформлена (Прямая речь и прочее, согласно тому как принято в западном обществе сейчас оформлять текст.)

Александр Алексеенко - Chilled exorcist

Preface One: "What is this book about?"

Dedication: This book is dedicated to my father

Preface One: "What is this book about?"

The action of this book takes place in the third era of Terresia. The protagonist becomes a prisoner of the treaty and is forced to participate in the events of the new development of the Rube Tract. Castle Feanoth has high hopes for a mutually beneficial treaty with Kostegrad, and even Lord Stag is willing to give up his youngest daughter for the Keeper of those lands. The only difficulty is that almost the entirety of the Rube Tract is mired in gray earth, an infestation dangerous to humans, animals and vegetation alike.

At that time, Count Myrtel Feanoth, heir to the castle of the same name and the Barrier Lands, decides to hold a tournament to cull those too weak to participate, to select the most trustworthy warriors who will travel to the Rube Tract to purge it of the hordes of chilled and infected creatures of the Polog of Ignorance. "Anything larger than a perotl must go into the ground," the Count orders.

Finding it insufficient to develop the tract with knights and mercenaries alone, Count Mirtel sent out a call to the Order. He needed specialists who had fought the monsters of the Zagorje – hunters who had spent five years holding back far more fearsome creatures, serving under the control of the Guardian of their fortress. And then the Council of the Fortress of Rukh, having previously assessed the situation, formed a battle group to clear the tract – fourteen fighters, ready to fulfill the Order's commission and bound themselves to it by a treaty.

Separated from kings and edicts, the Hunter holds a very high position in the hierarchy of the Empire. However, he is considered "unclean" by the priests of Hoth. Emperor Retreath Grave Mohawk himself has separated the hunters and given them a special position to allow for trials and investigations of crimes.

Envnir, the book's protagonist, receives not a simple assignment from the Order, but a murderous mission to mop up the tract along with thirteen other hunters of the Chilled. Becoming a participant in the events, he is forced to seek a solution to the problems heaped upon him, and the reaper of the dead has all the means to fulfill the tasks set before him by the Count. Whether he is driven by predestination, or whether his future depends on his will alone, or perhaps both, and whether he will be able to reach the end of the Rubezhny Tract – he will find out on the way.

Preface Two: "A horror tale is…"

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